Sunday, October 20, 2013

The beginning

I met Nichole when we worked together as technicians for the Army working on helicopters.  She was dating a guy named Joe and I was married at the time.  We worked on separate teams so we never really got to work side by side.  I was having issues in my marriage at the time and never realized that she was having them with her man also. 

We would both be in the gym at the same time since they allowed us to work out while we were at work three days a week.  One thing lead to another and one day I told Bart at work I wondered what she was like.  His comment was, “Interesting and he laughed.”  I didn’t know what that meant and that was all that was ever said.  Unknown to me, Nichole had said the same thing to him a couple months earlier. 

A few months later there was a promotion party for a guy at work and it was a drill weekend.  Everyone was going to go up to the legion after work and he was buying a keg to celebrate.  Ari had asked me if I wanted to go and I told him sure.  I went home and changed my cloths and came back up.  When I got there Gina and Nichole were both in there.  Ari and myself sat down and started to eat and when we got done grabbed some beer.  They both came over to our table and sat down.  Small talk started and they asked what we were doing for the rest of the night.  Ari said we were going to go out and find a bar.  They both laughed and said they were going to do the same and that we should end up at the same one.

We all went to Reno's  and then after a while Ari wanted to go to a dance club.  He said he knew of one down in Battle Creek and asked if I would drive.  So off we went to Battle Creek which was about an hour away.  When we got down there and went it the bar wasn't much to to talk about and we danced for a while.  I couldn't drink because I was the designated driver.  We left about 2am to head back to Grand Ledge and after we got back Gina said we were all invited to crash there since we had to be into work at 7am in Grand Ledge at the Armory in a couple of hours.  So we all crashed out on the floor and soon our alarms were going off.  

Nichole's phone kept everyone up going off all night because Joe had been driving by Gina's apartment and seen Ari's and my cars there.  I asked her the next day what was going on with her and Joe and I didn't want to get involved with anything if they were together.  She said no and that he was pissed and thought he had seen my car there and wanted to know why.  She told him that is wasn't my vehicle and it wasn't any of his business anyway. 

In the next few weeks I could see the tension build with them at work.  If it wasn't over before it surely was then.  They lived together only because they had signed the lease together.  They had already started to ride separately to work but they at least ate together.  That had already ended by this time.

Friday, October 18, 2013

Start to a Bad Day

After pulling out onto Price road she pulled over and got out of the car and went back to shut the trunk.  When she pulled up on the trunk lid it wouldn’t open.  Gayla then went back up the drivers’ door and popped the trunk.  She walked back again and tried to open it.  Again it wouldn’t open.  She was thinking to herself that the car didn’t have an auto close option.  She stood there and thought about it for a minute and told herself the only thing in the trunk should be my golf clubs and laundry detergent.  Gayla decided to go back up and get the key to try and open it.  Putting the keys in the truck lock she attempted to pull it open and turn it at the same time.  Nothing happened.  What she didn’t know is that Nichole was in the trunk pulling down on the trunk lid.  Gayla then decided to go in the backseat and try and drop the seats to see what could be keeping the trunk from opening.

Upon dropping the seat she noticed three things.  A spare set of car keys, a stun gun and a black combat boot.  She reached in and grabbed the stun gun and couldn’t make out how that got in there.  Trying to piece it all together she then thought to herself that Nichole must have stopped by her work, opened up the trunk and threw a bunch of my stuff in there.
That all was great until the boot moved and then out of the darkness came a hand with a surgical glove on it, reaching for the stun gun in her hand.  Startled, Gayla screamed and threw the stun gun back in the trunk and started to attempted to close the back seat.  As she was trying to close it Nichole was starting to kick the back of the seat from inside the trunk.  Realizing that she wasn’t going to get the seat closed, Gayla jumped out of the car and started running down the road screaming.

Just then a van was coming over the overpass and was watching the Chrysler 300 sitting on the side of the road.  The back door driver’s side open and a woman flailing around inside of it.  They began to slow down and could see a woman in the backseat moving around when all of the sudden the woman emerged from the car running toward them.  They opened their door and she jumped in....

...Over the next few months we will be posting on here how things really went down, we have told friends bits and pieces.  We live our lives knowing that someday Nichole will be out of prison and we will have to revert back to a life where we have to be on the edge and looking over our shoulders.  We hope you're entertained by the strange and  bazarre events that took place.  The events that we will talk about did happen and we will not add fiction to our story because no fiction is needed.  You shall see.